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Exploring Agusto & Co.’s Market Intelligence (AMI) East Africa

Agusto & Co. Market Intelligence (AMI) is a platform designed to provide in-depth market analysis and business intelligence across East Africa. As part of Agusto & Co.’s expansion, AMI aims to deliver critical insights that enable businesses to make informed decisions, capitalize on market opportunities, and navigate the complex economic landscape of the region.

The Role of AMI in East Africa

AMI serves as a vital tool for businesses seeking to understand market dynamics, consumer behavior, and competitive landscapes in East Africa. By leveraging a wealth of data and analytical expertise, AMI offers:

Market Intelligence Insights: These are quarterly insights on various industries, including Fintech, Renewable Energy, Insurance, Pension, SACCOs, Real Estate, Agriculture and Water sectors. They provide a thorough understanding of market trends and developments, helping businesses stay ahead of the curve.Annual Industry Reports: Leading provider of industry analysis and market insights that cut across several industries including Banking and Microfinance. These reports are unbiased and contain expert analyses. We provide in-depth evaluations of market competitors, identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of various industries.Key Macro-Economic Data: Countries’ macroeconomic data enables businesses anticipate economic shifts and adjust their operations accordingly, ensuring they remain resilient in changing economic conditions. The data would cover gross domestic product (GDP), exchange rates, inflation rate and interest rates, amongst other across key East African markets.Access to Analysts: Direct access to analysts provides businesses with expert opinions and insights, helping them make better-informed decisions.Bi-Monthly Articles: Regular articles offer continuous updates on market trends, economic developments, topical issues and industry insights, keeping businesses well-informed.Public Rating Reports: Publicly accessible rating reports help businesses and investors evaluate the creditworthiness of various entities.Sovereign Rating Reports: Assess the creditworthiness of countries, helping investors understand the risks and opportunities associated with different countries within the East African region.ESG Insights: These are quarterly publications that provide insights on environmental, social, and governance factors and trends across economies in Africa.Agusto & Co. Kenya: Expanding Horizons

Agusto & Co. Kenya plays a crucial role in the East African market, offering a range of services tailored to the region’s unique economic environment. Operating under the principles of transparency, accuracy, and reliability, Agusto & Co. Kenya provides:

Driving Business Success in East Africa

Through the AMI platform and various bespoke resources, Agusto & Co. is committed to empowering businesses with the intelligence and tools they need to thrive in East Africa. By providing unparalleled market insights and expert advisory services, Agusto & Co. continues to be a trusted partner for businesses navigating the dynamic and evolving landscape of East Africa.

About Agusto & Co

Agusto & Co. is a leading Pan African credit rating agency and a business information provider, with offices in Nigeria (Lagos), Kenya (Nairobi), Rwanda (Kigali) and Ghana (Accra). The firm was licensed by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) of Kenya as a Credit Rating Agency in 2013. Agusto & Co. is a foremost research house and an expert voice on the major economies, industries and businesses operating in sub-Saharan Africa.

Agusto & Co. is also an Approved Verifier by the Climate Bonds Standard with the capacity to perform verification of green bonds, projects and assets in Africa. Additionally, Agusto & Co. is listed on the International Capital Market Association’s (ICMA) website as one of the companies that have voluntarily aligned with the Guidelines for External Reviewers for the adoption of Green Bond Principles, Social Bond Principles, Sustainability Bond Guidelines and Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles.


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