
KDF Pressured to Start Exporting Meat

The National Assembly Defense, Intelligence and Foreign Relations Committee has urged the Kenya Meat Commission (KMC) to develop some urgency in the process of acquiring an export processing license.

The Committee, led by Nelson Koech, paid  a visit to the KMC headquarters in Athi River on Tuesday. During the session, members held talks with the commission’s leadership where the need to hasten the process was stressed.

The MPs cited the commission’s critical role in generating income for Kenya’s pastoralist communities and helping the country achieve its objective to realise food security.

“Why do you still not have an export processing license? Why has KMC not met the requirements?”, Memusi Kanchory, the MP for Kajiado Central asked. 

Parliamentarians pose for a photo after the meeting with Kenya Meat Commission leaders on Tuesday.



An export license would be significant for KMC, as it will be instrumental in helping the commission gain a foothold in the international market. This, MPs believe will help boost revenue and expand KMC’s business and eventually grow the organisation’s market share.

Committee members touring the facility observed that the main factory, capable of processing over 690 tonnes of meat and meat products, is currently underutilized.

Maj. Gen. J.K. Gula, Managing Commissioner, requested for additional funding from the Committee to upgrade equipment, particularly regurgitation and packaging machinery, to meet ISO standards and secure export processing licensing.

Committee members expressed concern about the substantial debt owed by government agencies for meat products supplied by KMC.

Nelson Koech queried the MD on  measures KMC is taking to address these delayed payments. The Committee Chair urged KMC to recover outstanding payments, suggesting that recovered funds could be used to improve their liquidity position.

In January 2024, the commission paid out Ksh2.2 Billion to herders. KDF reported having slaughtered over 50,000 animals in the last three years. 

The then Defence Cabinet Secretary, Aden Duale revealed that the government was aiming to make KMC one of the biggest meat product producers in the region.

KMC was transferred from the Ministry of Agriculture to Defense in 2020 by former President Uhuru Kenyatta. At the time, Uhuru explained that the moves were aimed at revitalizing the commission’s operations and making it more efficient after years of mismanagement and debt.

“When we gave them the Kenya Meat Commission to manage, they turned it into a profit-making enterprise in record time,” Uhuru stated during the 2022 Madaraka Day celebrations. 

Months after taking office, President William Ruto took it away from the military and transferred it back to the Ministry of Agriculture. He would later undo this move himself citing professionalism at the KDF to be a standout factor in the State agency’s performance. 

Cattle held at Kenya Meat Commission factory in Athi River


Kenya Meat Commission

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