
Rachel Ruto Starts New Project Providing Vegetables to State House at No Cost

First Lady Rachel Ruto has undertaken a new pilot program that promises to provide vegetables to State House and neighboring schools at no cost to the government.

The initiative is called Mama Kitchen Gardens, a tool for promoting food and nutritional security. The First Lady launched it at the State House on Thursday. 

Rachel Ruto already has a similar Mama Kitchen Garden in State House where fellow women in the initiative are expected to mirror and learn and incorporate it in their homes.

“The kitchen garden pilot at State House Nairobi will provide vegetables at no cost to State House employees living in the staff quarters, as well as support the neighboring public schools”, the First Lady communicated in a post on Friday.

First Lady Rachel Ruto during the launch of the Jitume Digital Hub at Butere Girls High School in Kakamega County, June 2024.


Mama Rachel

It entails families and school-going children growing their vegetables and seeks to inspire women across counties to cultivate flourishing kitchen gardens near their homes.

Rachel says that the project is part of a broader national food security initiative led by women across all counties.

According to the First Lady, this government project will provide urban families with additional training in urban farming techniques.

The First Lady has been on the frontline launching empowerment projects. In May, she launched empowerment projects in Kajiado. Rachel said Ksh19 million worth of equipment was handed to Maasai Technical Training Institute in Kajiado County through the National Government Affirmative Action Plan (NGAAF).

She is a champion of economic empowerment stating that such projects promote progress and growth that enables individuals to provide for themselves and their families.

The First Lady also launched a sanitary towels project named Sifa Pad and Praise Project in 2023. 

When launching the Sifa pads project, the First Lady revealed that the initiative could produce 200 sanitary pads per minute.

“If the factory achieves full-scale productions it means that it can produce 96,000 pieces per day. This translates to 9,600 packs of ten pads per pack a day. Further,  20,000 girls will be equipped with information and life skills that will help them navigate the future,” said Mrs Ruto.

The First Family, President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto


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