
Audit Shows Moi University Spent Ksh.29.8M on School Gate

The Moi University management has come under scrutiny after an audit report revealed a total amount of Ksh.29.8 million was spent to build the institution’s gate.

Moi University Vice Chancellor Prof. Isaac Kosgey was quizzed on Wednesday, September 18 as he appeared on the National Assembly’s Public Investments Committee on Education.

The professor admitted the initial budget for the gate was Ksh4.8 million, but that was abandoned because the gate was on a road reserve.

Members of the committee led by Bumula MP Jack Wamboka were left wondering how Ksh25 million was tendered for a new gate, while the school apparently paid the whole contract amount even though the project had not been completed.

The administration block at Moi University in Eldoret


Moi University

“You build a gate of Ksh.24 million and yet you are insolvent? What is on this gate, is it a storied gate?” Wamboka wondered.

The committee also heard of how some employees of the university fraudulently diverted millions of shillings meant for school fees to a private bank account.

“Examinations of records relating to other sponsors’ fees paid through cheques revealed that credit entries in the student coffers amounting to Ksh 25 million and deputy entries totalling to Ksh 17,56,837 were reversed. Some of the fraudulent entries were made by a staff member who had access rights and was entrusted with the duty of crediting fee payments to students’ letters in the system.,” the committee heard.

“The staff member was suspended on April 11 2018 but as of the time of the audit in October 2019, the case had not been concluded, and no evidence of the action taken to correct the anomaly was provided for audit.”

The vice chancellor admitted that indeed fraud had indeed taken place, adding that the employees had purposely defrauded the school without the administration’s knowledge.

Quizzed further on whether the two employees were brought to book, Kosgey said they were taken through a disciplinary process and were sacked but one of them was reinstated after appeal.

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