
Train Loses Control Leading to Mass Oil Spillage

Unestablished quantities of unrefined oil were on Tuesday at noon spilled after a freight train lost control and derailed in the Kibwezi Area within Makueni County.

The train which was en route to Nairobi from Mombasa veered off rail before rolling over, leading to the spillage. 

Upon noticing the accident, locals who were loaded with jerricans rushed to the scene and began siphoning the oil spillage.

However, Police officers quickly intervened and sealed off the area to block any contamination and interference of the scene by members of the public.

No causalities were reported from the incident with police officers cordoning the scene to pave the way for investigations.

In the footage obtained by Kenyans.co.ke, two wagons were recorded leaning on one side of the train while the other parts remained intact.

Meanwhile, the area residents were captured watching the unfolding from a distance even as police officers attempted to restore the wreckage on track.

It is not the first time that a cargo train has derailed in Kenya while transporting unprocessed oil. In August 2020, a train transporting fuel derailed and overturned at Kibarani in Mombasa County. 

A police statement revealed that the train was ferrying 250,000 litres of super petrol when one of its wagons derailed at around 11 pm.

The situation forced the police officers to block the road from Makande to Changamwe Roundabout to avoid any potential interference.

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