
Dubai Company’s Role in SHIF Rollout Clarified Amid Links to Adani

National Assembly Health Committee Chairperson Robert Pukose on Tuesday distanced the rollout of the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) from Indian conglomerate Adani which has in the recent past been under heavy scrutiny over its controversial Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) takeover deal.

Speaking during a talk show on Citizen TV, Pukose refuted claims that Adani was playing a central role in the rollout which formed the basis of the investigations the committee was carrying out.

While making his remarks, the MP claimed that his committee was satisfied that Adani was not playing any role. The lawmaker further clarified that Apiero Limited, one of the companies in the consortium that won the tender to digitize the project and build an Integrated Healthcare Information Technology System (IHTS) was not in any way related to or working with Adani.

“There was misinformation that Ā Apiero is linked to Adani, that is not true, Apiero is an Abu Dhabi-based company”, the MP stated during the interview.

India’s Adani Group office


Nikkei Asia

The Adani group has come under scrutiny from Kenyans after a whistleblower leaked information the government had reached a deal to hand over the Jomo Kenyatta Ā International Airport to the Indian firm which will pump in billions to revamp the facility and subsequently recoup its investment over 30 years.

Reports about the deal triggered uproar from Kenyans across the board and particularly from airport workers who downed their tools fearing possible job losses once Adani begins running operations.

Apiero is one of the companies and part of a consortium required to develop and rollout standard Integrated Hospital Management Information (IHMS) system in partnership with the Ministry of Health and county governments. The consortium is expected to deliver technology to digitize the supply chain of health products.

The consortium is also expected to support training of public health officials on the system, manage the project and be involved in the on-ground rollout of various technologies.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Busia Senator & Activist Okiya Omtatah announced that he had filed a petition to stop the rollout of SHIF slated for Tuesday, October 1.

The Senator filed the petition citing concerns over the lack of legislation to operationalize the fund.

The petitioners who also include Eliud Matindi and Magare Gikenyi besides wanting SHA declared unconstitutional also want the government to terminate contracts with several service providers facilitating the deal.

This comes after the Court of Appeal on September 20 issued stay orders allowing the Ministry of Health to proceed with the SHIF rollout. Ā Ā 

Busia Senator Okiya Omtatah follows the Senate Public Accounts Committee session on March 19, 2024.


Okiya Omtatah

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