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Ride Hailing Taxi Drivers Strike over Low Fares

Thousands of drivers in the ride hailing industry are currently protesting in Nairobi in a bid to push their respective platforms to ramp up fares per mileage.

The drivers on strike have mobilized their peers to turn off all apps and show up for the strike meant to pressurize all major platforms including Uber, Bolt, Little, and Faras.According to a notice seen by The Kenyan Wall Street, the peaceful demonstrations will be held between 8am-5pm from Monday 15th July to Friday 19th July.After convening at Green Park Terminus, the striking drivers said that they will match to the governor’s office at City Hall and then proceed to various offices of the ride hailing platforms.“We hereby notify you of our above planned peaceful demonstrations and picketing to protest against exploitation by online app companies like Uber, Bolt, Little Cabs, Faras Kenya among others in contravention of the NTSA Regulations 2022,” the striking drivers wrote to the Inspector General.

Due to the scarcity of rides around the city, some customers have been forced to rely on other transport modes or pay higher fares for the available rides. However, the striking drivers have pledged to deal with those not in solidarity with them – regarding them as traitors of the planned industrial action.

The strike is meant to paralyze both passenger and delivery services, substantially affecting the ride hailing companies’ revenues and bring them to the negotiating table. It is not the first time taxi app drivers are striking for the same issues being raised currently. In 2019 and 2022, a nationwide strike was called to force the apps to comply with the NTSA-capped 18% commission.

Some of the companies, like Uber at the time, challenged the cap citing it will constrict the company’s revenues and profit margins thus derailing investment. The taxi drivers argued that if the companies surpassed the capped commission without raising mileage rates, they would be at a disadvantage because of external expenses like fuel costs rising.

This is a developing story…


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