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Piloting of Government’s E-Procurement System to End in December

Piloting of government’s end to end e-procurement system will continue up to the end of this year, in a move aimed at weeding out corruption in public procurement and disposal processes.

The System comprises among others, an e-market place for the common user items where prices from various outlets are visible allowing intense competition in procurement of these common user items.Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u noted that the Phase I of the e-Government Procurement System has successfully undergone User Acceptance Testing and Piloting in twelve selected Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and Counties.The system will reduce cost of goods, works and services by between 10 per cent and 15 per cent, maximize value for money and increase transparency in procurement.“Once the e-government Procurement System is rolled out, all MDAs and Executive Offices of 28 County Governments will be required to fully transition to the system while State Agencies and Corporations, County Assemblies and County Agencies will be on-boarded in the second phase within the FY 2024/25,” the Treasury CS said.

Enforcement of the system forms part of policy, legal and institutional reforms the Kenya Kwanza administration is implementing to increase the pace of economic development.

Other reforms target public sector wage bill, privatization of state corporation, national assets and inventory management reforms, financial sector reforms and pending bills.

CS Ndung’u said the National Treasury has initiated reforms geared towards automating assets and inventory management in MDAs as well as County Governments.

In this regard, the National Treasury will operationalize the Assets and Inventory Management Modules in the IFMIS with the module for all MDAs scheduled for launch and go live in July 2024.

The rollout to County Governments will commence thereafter. “These reforms will enable Accounting Officers have visibility of all assets and inventory under their control and facilitate optimal assets utilization,” he noted.

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