
Joho Sends Warning to Businessmen, Announces Countrywide Crackdown

Mining Cabinet Secretary Hassan Joho on Sunday sent a warning to individuals who will be found mining some strategic minerals protected by law promising legal action.

According to the CS, the 14 minerals which include rare earth, coltan, nickel, radioactive, niobium, copper, lithium, chromite, graphite, tin, tantalum, tsavorite, uranium, and thorium were declared as strategic on October 14, 2023, via a Cabinet resolution.

‘’The Cabinet on its October 3, 2023, sitting declared 14 minerals as strategic. This means that any activity touching on the specified minerals including prospecting, mining, trading, dealing or processing was to be undertaken by or in partnership with the National Mining Corporation (NAMICO),’’ Joho revealed in a statement.

The resolution maintained that the mining of such minerals would only be done in partnership or by the National Mining Corporation (NAMICO) alone and therefore, anyone who risked mining without the permission of the body risked legal consequences. 

Mining, Maritime Affairs and Blue Economy CS Ali Hassan Joho

Hassan Joho

Joho revealed that his Ministry had already been made aware of individuals who were engaging in the mining of the minerals illegally, thereby flouting the Cabinet’s resolution.

‘’Despite the robust measures instituted by the Ministry to safeguard these 14 strategic minerals, it has come to our attention that unscrupulous individuals, in total disregard of the law, have been prospecting, mining, and dealing in strategic minerals, particularly copper, coltan, and chromite,’’ Joho added.

The CS asked those involved in the mining to stop their operations before they embarked on a plan to have them face the law.

‘’Such acts are in total disregard of the law protecting the Minerals and those individuals operate in total contravention of the laid-down procedures as stipulated in the Mining Act, 2016 and Mining (Strategic Minerals) Regulations, 2017,’’ Joho maintained.

Joho reiterated that his Ministry is committed to bringing in key reforms in the Mining sector to protect Kenya’s mineral resources.

He added that they would achieve this by targeting those he referred to as merchants of impunity whom he revealed were mining using illegal means.

‘’As a Ministry, we are committed to executing the reforms in the Mining Sector to the fullest. This includes total protection of strategic minerals from merchants of impunity who are attempting to plunder our mineral resources through circumventing the law for selfish gains, ‘’ Joho observed.

Since taking office, Joho has been on a mission to streamline the mining sector to protect Kenyans who depend on mining as a source of livelihood, from the high exploitation that they are reportedly experiencing from middlemen who extort them.

An ongoing mining operation at a site.


Ministry of Mining

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