
Morara Kebaso to Refund Contributions; Questions Kenyans’ Attitude

Activist and lawyer Morara Kebeso on Saturday announced an unexpected move amid his widespread civic education  drive seeking to enlighten Kenyans on the need to stay informed at a time when Kenya is losing a lot to runaway graft.

In a post on Saturday, Morara revealed that he has resorted to refunding the money Kenyans raised for him after concluding that Kenyans have not done enough to effect meaningful change in how the country is governed.

The activist categorically stated that he will not allow his reputation to be dragged into the mud and be labelled a conman and beggar, especially since he was satisfied that his efforts were a genuine attempt to change Kenya for the good.

” I cannot continue to dirtify my reputation and earn the tag of a conman or beggar. It’s not worth it. For this reason, I would like to refund any Kenyan that has supported me and felt conned”, read part of the statement.

Lawyer Morara Kebaso during one of his tours to expose stalled projects.


Morara Kebaso

The lawyer went further to reveal that he will not be continuing with his quest to struggle for a better Kenya. 

“But a time comes when a man must decide whether the nation is worth struggling for. My observation is that most Kenyans have already decided the country they want to live in”, continued Morara.

On 3 September, Morara requested Kenyans to support him financially as he sought to expand his civic education drive.

Morara had requested Kenyans to fundraise between Ksh840,000 and Ksh1.2 Million to procure and install a state-of-the-art PA system.

To his utter surprise, the activist received immense support with his mobile account, whose limit is Ksh500,000,  receiving endless contributions.

Besides the funds, Kebeso was gifted a luxurious house and a car. The house located in in Kahawa Sukari, Nairobi County would serve as his office headquarters and the base of his operations.

Morara rose to national prominence for auditing stalled Kenya Kwanza government projects. Through his inspection of government projects, Morara rubbed senior government officials the wrong way.

His move compelled Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki’s offices to embark on the verification of high-impact national government projects.

Lawyer Morara Kebaso while addressing Kenyans at the Nairobi CBD on September 6, 2024


Morara Kebaso

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