
Oscar Sudi Hits Out at Gachagua in a Public Rant

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s unpopularity continued to grow especially after his revelations while appearing on Citizen TV on Friday night.

On Saturday, a day after the interview, Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi challenged the DP to look from within and realise that he has fallen out with several leaders making him the root cause of his problems.

He further admitted that politicians lied a lot to the people and made selfish demands. After failing to achieve what they wanted, he argued that some of the leaders turned their issues into a national problem.

“You saw that the President sat down with Raila Odinga and other ODM leaders and decided to work together. The peace you are seeing in Kenya is so that we can work together. The day we will leave ethnicity, we shall go far,” he stated.

DP Rigathi Gachagua during the launch of the second Information Systems at KICC on September 2, 2024.


“The problem with us as leaders is that we lie a lot. If we told the truth, Kenya would be so far ahead but we are selfish, only want things for ourselves and if we don’t get what we want, we make it a national problem.”

“Let’s not lie to each other. If you are a leader with a higher position, we shall respect you but do not use the post to intimidate others,” he added.

Without mentioning the DP directly, Sudi further hinted that Gachagua had fallen out with many leaders, a phenomenon he argued should compel him to look from within.

“How come you fall out with mama mbogas, MCAs, and Governors? Sometimes if you are a leader of that kind, you should look within and ask yourself why you are falling out with leaders including your neighbours. It means that you are the problem,” he told a crowd.

“You were elected in less than 2 years, for example, and you own more than 5 hotels, how did you buy them? We should speak the truth. You frustrate people until no work can be accomplished because of you.”

Sudi’s sentiments came a day after Gachagua hinted at a fallout with the team of President William Ruto including being kicked out of a Whatsapp group.

He noted that the group was managing Ruto’s events and his exclusion made him skip events attended by the Head of State.

“Kenyans do not see me in any presidential function, it is because I am not aware of the function. The function they see me in is the one I have been invited to. Previously, I had access to President Ruto’s diary. It becomes very difficult for me to work on my diary because I do not know what the President has,” the Deputy President stated.

National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah, however, accused the DP of playing tribal politics which he claimed had the potential to sow division amongst Kenyans.

He also criticised Gachagua for lamenting over his removal from the State House WhatsApp group.

  • “I am urging all those lamenting that they have been removed from WhatsApp groups, let them join us in the Chepsaita WhatsApp group,” Ichung’wah commented.

“Let them join us so that we can stop tribal and divisive politics. This race does not have tribe, age, and even the colour of the skin,” he added.

Dennis Itumbi, who is the Head of of Presidential Special Projects & Creative Economy, also called out the DP noting that even Ruto had been removed from the group.

National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah (left) and Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi.


Kimani Ichung’wah/Oscar Sudi

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